REGM-6008 |
Duties and responsibilities of main parties in railway engineering; Initial railway project planning: pre-feasibility and feasibility studies; Selection and contractual agreement with consultant; Selection and contractual agreement with contractor; Construction contract types; Contract document; Sub-contracting; Bidding process; Variation; Claims; Insurance in railway industry; Health and safety at work; Professional ethics in railway engineering. The basics of management; Authority and responsibility; Planning, organization, staffing direction and control functions; Management by exception; Performance appraisal; Organization development; Basics of corporate financing(shares, debentures, bonds, etc), financial accounting, budgeting, etc. Concepts of Event, activity, slack and float. WBC, OBC, Determination of the critical path and comparison of actual performance with the planned schedule; Crashing of network. Resource leveling. Project analysis, requirements definition, preliminary design, detailed design and implementation. Software used to draw project diagrams such as Gantt Charts, PERT diagrams, manpower loading chart. Feasibility Study, Cost Control, S-curve, Project Financing. Preparation and presentation of term paper on a selected topic is mandatory. |